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See What's New in The Voice!Information about our organization, its officers, our philosophy for the role of the site in the church, and our goals for the future. Statement of ownership, copyright notices, and the conditions of use of the material on this web site. Information on our goals for the future of this site and how you can help in providing financial or other resources to continue and expand our ministry. Resources AvailableThese links lead to SubMenus of the major topical areas of the CRI/Voice site. A collection of articles and essays on a wide range of topics and issues related to biblical study and interpretation, including a Genesis Bible Study covering the early narratives of Genesis, as well as graphics and photos. Voice Bible Study Series: A series of detailed Bible Studies on various books of both Old and New Testaments for small groups, churches, or individual devotional study. Issues in Biblical Interpretation: Issues, methods, and problems faced in interpreting Scripture in the church, including inspiration of Scripture as well as examples of dealing with potentially difficult passages. Historical and Cultural Context of Scripture: The historical, cultural, and social setting necessary for biblical interpretation and teaching, such as Baal worship, Near Eastern and Roman history, Israelite Kings, the relation of historical events to the text, etc. Includes several charts. The Bible in the Church: Issues facing the modern church in relation to biblical studies especially from the perspective of evangelical churches, such as inerrancy, authorship debates, assumptions and perspectives on Scripture, as well as the practical application of Scripture to contemporary issues. Biblical Theology: Various aspects of biblical theology from the perspective of Scripture as Faith Confession about God and as testimony to his revelation of himself in history, including methods, specific issues, and application of the theological perspectives in Scripture to the life of the church today. Understanding Words in Scripture: Words for Biblical Studies: Brief introduction to the importance of understanding the meaning of selected biblical Greek and Hebrew terms that lie behind English translations. (This section is available but is still being developed.) The Old Testament: Articles on specific Old Testament books or passages, organized according to the Hebrew canon (Torah, Prophets, Writings), as well as topics closely related to specific books or sections of the Old Testament, such as the nature of prophecy, the character of wisdom, types of Psalms, etc. The New Testament: Articles on specific New Testament books or passages, as well as topics closely related to NT books or literature. Scripture Short Topics: A collection of short articles dealing with various aspects of Scripture. They are not meant to be thorough answers and do not intend to cover all aspects of the issues raised, but do deal with specific issues related to one or more related passages. In some cases, there will be links to more detailed articles that deal with other aspects of the question. PhotoTour: A collection of photos and maps related to the study of Scripture, including archaeological sites, items related to the customs and culture of the biblical world and the early church, and other items of interest. (This section is available but is still being developed.) A two year cycle of reading adapted from The Book of Common Prayer, including a daily reading from the Old Testament, Psalms, Gospels, and Epistles coordinated with the church calendar beginning with Advent. Has Quick Search for on-line reading in several different versions. Advent
(end of November or early December to December 24) Information on Sunday Bible Readings coordinated with the church calendar, adapted from the Revised Common Lectionary. Includes interpretative and theological commentary on many of the Lectionary passages, as well as indices for the readings. Also information about the Seasons of the Church Year and suggestions for how to observe them." The Lectionary: Basic definition of a Lectionary and how it is used in the church, with links to Lectionary resources. The Revised Common Lectionary: Complete listings of the three year cycle of readings of the Revised Common Lectionary, organized by Season of the Church Year. Lectionary Commentaries: Theological Commentary on one or more of the Sunday Lectionary texts including exegesis of the text and Preaching Paths, organized by Year and Sunday (These are still being developed, so not all Sundays are available.) The Church Year: Information on the cycle of church seasons that comprise the Christian Church calendar, including links to specific seasons and related articles, such as Colors of the Church Year. A variety of articles and essays dealing with theological topics, mostly from a Wesleyan-Arminian perspective, including selected historical documents and the major creeds and confessions of the church. Theology and the Church: A collection of articles and essays dealing with various theological issues that relate to ministry and Christian growth in the context of the church, especially from a Wesleyan-Arminian perspective. Historical Theology: Selected writings from the history of the church that address significant or relevant issues facing the church today. Since there are many sites on the web that contain the full text of many historical writings, those presented here will normally be limited to short excerpts that are not easily available elsewhere or are presented in digested or edited form to make them more readable The Heritage of Holiness: An ongoing series of articles examining the concern with the idea of holiness of heart and life in the history of the church. Reflective articles on various aspects of ministry in the church such. Also includes suggested Services of Worship for various occasions and seasons of the church year. Issues/Resources in Ministry: Reflective essays on various issues faced in ministry today, including theology of worship, the prophetic role, renewing vision, etc. Resources for Worship: Examples of services for various occasions and seasons and of the church year, including information and a complete Haggadah for a Christian Passover service for Holy Week. Also includes a section on Christian Symbols, their meaning, and their use in worship and biblical studies. One of our goals is to have the CRI/Voice resources available in select languages other than English. A limited number of articles in Russian, Portuguese, and Dutch are available. Español: [The Spanish articles are not available at this time] Korean: At present, we only have available links to resources in Korean. We hope to have material available in Korean soon. Русскии: Материалы нарусском языке. Portuguese: At present, we have only a few articles available. There is a moderated Discussion Forum available on this site. It is available for discussion in either English or Spanish. General Forum: A moderated forum for discussion of biblical and theological topics. This is an open forum, although requiring adherence to a few guidelines. Please read the Participation Guidelines before posting. Theology Forum: A moderated forum for more detailed discussion of theological topics. This is an open forum, although requiring adherence to a few guidelines. Please read Information About the Theology Forum before posting. Participation Guidelines: Basic guidelines for participation on CRI/Voice's moderated discussion forums. Selected Links to other Christian biblical and theological resource sites on the Web. (This section is still being developed.) Navigating The VoiceIndices and links to aid finding material in the CRI/Voice siteA comprehensive search feature, with options, to find material on the CRI/Voice site. Links to all articles on this site in which specific biblical passages are the main topic, including Lectionary commentaries, organized by biblical book. The Revised Common Lectionary organized by season of the Church Year and Sunday. Index of all Lectionary readings of the three-year cycle of the Revised Common Lectionary organized by biblical book with references to the Church Year. Index of Commentary articles on the Revised Common Lectionary Sunday Scripture readings, organized by year and date according to the Christian Church Calendar and the three year cycle of the RCL. (Since this section is still being developed, not all readings are available.) Links to pages and submenus of this site. Due to the growing size of the archive here, a complete Table of Contents is impractical. Access to the site is through SubMenus of major sections." Contact InformationWe hope you have found this site helpful. If you have any suggestions that will help us make this a better site please take a moment and contact the site director. We would also appreciate you letting us know of any non-functioning links or other problems you encountered. If you would like to become a contributor in some area, please contact the site director. For fully tax deductible contributions, make checks payable to Light Church, Church of the Nazarene, with a clear notation that it is for the ministry of The Christian Resource Institute. General Information: Contact the webmaster
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