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The Heritage of Holiness

Dennis Bratcher

This is a series of articles and sermons that explores the theological and historical heritage of the concept of holiness, especially as seen from the perspective of the Wesleyan theological tradition. Sometimes a minority view in the Western Church, this perspective on Christianity has been vital in the Eastern branches of Christianity. It has been nourished in the Western church by the middle way (the via media) of John Wesley, who managed to bridge the perspectives of the Western and Eastern churches while retaining a vital and dynamic piety.

The heirs of the Wesleyan theological tradition, Methodism, the American Holiness Movement, and various branches of the Pentecostal Movement, have always retained a belief in holiness of heart and life, but have often struggled in various ways to come to terms with understanding and putting into practice this dimension of the Christian faith.

These articles are intended to tell again the story of that holiness heritage from a variety of perspectives and in different ways.  They are not aimed at being exhaustive or systematic, but are more reflective, intending to invite consideration of the perspectives based on one's own faith journey.  This is not just an exercise in retaining or recovering identity, although that is always a factor in speaking of heritage.  It is much more a deeply felt need to bring to the life of the church and a hurting world in the 21st century this vital dimension of authentic piety and the message of genuine transformation based on God's grace working in the lives of people to bring healing and renewal. It is indeed Good News that not only needs to be proclaimed, but that needs to be heard and lived!

The Heritage of Holiness

Psalm 51 and the Language of Transformation (Dennis Bratcher)

Holiness in the Early Church (Jirair Tashjian)

The Holiness Movement: Dead or Alive? (Keith Drury)

Sin and Holiness (Brad Mercer) [this article in Dutch]

The Holiness Manifesto

-Dennis Bratcher, Copyright © 2018, Dennis Bratcher, All Rights Reserved
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