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Outline of Luke’s Gospel

Dennis Bratcher

I. Preface (1:1-4)

II. The Infancy Narratives (1:5-2:52)

A. Annunciation and response (1:5-56)

1. 1:5-25 - Zechariah and the announcement of John’s birth

2. 1:26-38 - Mary and the announcement of Jesus’ birth

3. 1:39-56 - Elizabeth and Mary: The Magnificat

B. Births (1:57-2:21)

1. 1:57-66 - the birth of John

2. 1:67-80 - Zechariah’s blessing: The Benedictus

3. 2:1-21 - the birth of Jesus

C. Jesus in the Temple (2:22-52)

1. 2:22-40 - presentation of Jesus: The Nunc Dimittis

2. 2:41-52 - His father’s house

III. Preparation for Jesus’ Ministry (3:1-4:13)

A. The activity of John the Baptist (3:1-20)

1. 3:1-6 - the voice in the wilderness

2. 3:7-18 - John’s preaching

3. 3:19-20 - the imprisonment of John

B. The emergence of Jesus (3:21-4:13)

1. 3:21-22 - the Holy Spirit affirms Jesus

2. 3:23-38 - the genealogy of Jesus

3. 4:1-13 - temptations of Jesus

IV. Jesus’ Ministry in Galilee (4:14-9:50)

A. Jesus returns home (4:14-44)

1. 4:14-15 - return to Galilee

2. 4:16-30 - Jesus in Nazareth

3. 4:31-41 - preaching and miracles in Capernaum

4. 4:42-44 - a wider Galilean ministry

B. Disciples and opponents (5:1-6:16)

1. 5:1-11 - the catch of fish and fishermen

2. 5:12-16 - the leper healed and spreading fame

3. 5:17-26 - healing, forgiveness, and controversy

4. 5:27-39 - the calling of Levi, and further tensions

5. 6:1-11 - Jesus, healing, and Sabbath laws

6. 6:12-16 - the Twelve Disciples

C. The Sermon on the Plain (6:17-49)

1. 6:17-19 - the seeking crowds

2. 6:20-38 - teaching about being the people of God

3. 6:39-49 - responsibility for faithful response

D. The nature of Jesus’ ministry (7:1-50)

1. 7:1-10 - the Centurion’s slave: power and faith

2. 7:11-17 - the widow’s son: a prophet among us

3. 7:18-35 - John and Jesus:  are you the one?

4. 7:36-50 - the alabaster jar:  the nature of forgiveness

E. Teaching throughout Galilee (8:1-9:20)

1. 8:1-3 - the Twelve and women followers

2. 8:4-15 - parable of the sower: proclaiming and receiving the Kingdom

3. 8:16-18 - faithful listening

4. 8:19-21 - true family

5. 8:22-25 - the stilling of the storm

6. 8:26-39 - the Gerasene demoniac: Jesus’ authority over evil

7. 8:40-56 - the raising of Jairus’ daughter: Jesus’ authority over death

8. 9:1-6 - sending of the Twelve

9. 9:7-9 - Herod inquires about Jesus

10. 9:10-17 - feeding five thousand

11. 9:18-20 - Peter’s confession

F. Forebodings of a change (9:21-50)

1. 9:21-22 - Jesus’ ominous prediction

2. 9:23-27 - the nature of discipleship

3. 9:28-36 - the Transfiguration

4. 9:37-45 - healing, amazement, and further warnings

5. 9:45-48 - true greatness

6. 9:49-50 - the unknown exorcist

V. The Journey to Jerusalem (9:51-19:27)

A. Preparations for the journey (9:51-62)

1. 9:51-56 - rejection by the Samaritans

2. 9:57-62 - the nature of discipleship

3. 10:1-16 - commissioning of the 70: preparing the way

4. 10:17-20 - return of the 70: priorities in success

5. 10:21-24 - Jesus; prayer and blessing

B. Love, mercy, and listening as the heart of discipleship (10:25-42)

1. 10:25-28 - a lawyer’s challenge

2. 10:29-37 - parable of the Good Samaritan: mercy fulfills the law

3. 10:38-42 - Martha and Mary: listening the better part

C. Teaching on prayer (11:1-13)

1. 11:1-4 - Lord, teach us to pray

2. 11:5-8 - persistence brings help

3. 11:9-13 - children asking the father

D. Growing conflict and controversy (11:14-54)

1. 11:14-23 - Jesus’ power is from God not Satan

2. 11:24-26 - an empty life invites intruders

3. 11:27-28 - the value of hearing and responding

4. 11:29-32 - the sign of Jonah: the need to repent

5. 11:33-36 - light and understanding

6. 11:37-54 - condemnation of false piety: neglecting justice and love

E. Explaining discipleship (12:1-48)

1. 12:1-3 - warning against hypocrisy

2. 12:4-12 - encouragement to those who acknowledge Jesus

3. 12:13-21 - parable of the rich fool: the danger of possessions

4. 12:22-34 - trust in God eliminates anxiety

5. 12:35-48 - faithfulness to the Master

F. Impending judgment and accountability (12:49-13:9)

1. 12:49-52 - the coming judgment

2. 12:54-56 - reading the signs of the times

3. 12:57-59 - do not wait for the judgment

4. 13:1-5 - the need for repentance

5. 13:6-9 - the barren fig tree: a last chance

G. The nature of the Kingdom of God (13:10-35)

1. 13:10-17 - a crippled woman healed, and controversy

2. 13:18-19 - parables of the Kingdom: the mustard seed

3. 13:20-21 - parables of the Kingdom: leaven

4. 13:22-30 - the narrow door: reversal of expectations

5. 13:31-35 - Jerusalem: threat and lament

H. The nature of true discipleship (14:1-35)

1. 14:1-6 - healing on the Sabbath

2. 14:7-11 - humility: human expectations not God’s

3. 14:12-14 - generosity beyond social conventions

4. 14:15-24 - parable of the banquet: anticipation of an unrestricted Kingdom

5. 14:25-33 - the cost of discipleship

6. 14:34-35 - warning against unfaithfulness

I. Parables of the lost and found (15:1-32)

1. 15:1-2 - complaints against Jesus

2. 15:3-7 - the lost sheep: joy at the rescue of one

3. 15:8-10 - the lost coin found

4. 15:11-24 - the lost son returns

5. 15:23-32 - the jealousy of the eldest son: a failure of love

J. The dangers of misplaced loyalties (16:1-31)

1. 16:1-9 - parable of the dishonest manager

2. 16:10-15 - God’s economy: faithful in little

3. 16:16-18 - the abiding validity of the torah

4. 16:19-31 - the rich man and Lazarus: consequences of self-centeredness

K. Living the Kingdom of God (17:1-37)

1. 17:1-10 - disciples and relationships within community

2. 17:11-19 - 10 lepers cleansed: thankfulness

3. 17:20-21 - the Kingdom of God is present now

4. 17:22-37 - the end of the age

L. Attitudes toward the Kingdom (18:1-19:27)

1. 18:1-8 - parable of the unjust judge: patience in prayer

2. 18:9-14 - parable of the Pharisee and tax collector: self-righteousness

3. 18:15-17 - receiving the Kingdom as a child

4. 18:18-30 - the rich ruler: the hindrance of wealth

5. 18:31-34 - Jesus again predicts his death

6. 18:35-43 - healing a blind man: sight and understanding

7. 19:1-10 - Zacchaeus: a model response to the Kingdom

8. 19:11-27 - the parable of the pounds: trusting servants with the Kingdom

VI. Jesus’ Ministry in Jerusalem (19:28-21:38)

A. Jesus’ arrival in Jerusalem (19:28-47)

1. 19:28-40 - the triumphal entry

2. 19:41-44 - Jesus weeps over the city and its future

3. 19:45-47 - the cleansing of the Temple

B. Teaching in the Temple and growing hostility to Jesus (20:1-21:4)

1. 20:1-8 - a challenge to Jesus’ authority

2. 20:9-19 - parable of the vineyard: rejecting the cornerstone

3. 20:20-26 - trick questions: paying taxes to Caesar

4. 20:27-40 - more dishonest questions: the resurrection

5. 20:41-44 - is the Messiah a son of David?

6. 20:45-47 - the dangers of pride and self-righteousness

7. 21:1-4 - the widow’s offering

C.  The coming devastation (21:5-38

1. 21:5-6 - destruction of the Temple foreseen

2. 21:7-11 - signs and portents

3. 21:12-19 - persecution and endurance

4. 21:20-24 - the devastation of Jerusalem

5. 21:25-33 - the coming of the Son of Man

6. 21:34-36 - a call to vigilance and prayer

7. 21:37-38 - teaching in the Temple (narrative transition to the Passion narratives)

VII. The Passion, Death, and Resurrection of Jesus (22:1-24:53)

A. The final hours (22:1-46)

1. 22:1-6 - the betrayal of Judas

2. 22:7-23 - Passover: the Last Supper

3. 22:24-30 - disciples’ dispute over status: becoming servants

4. 22:31-34 - Peter’s denial foreseen

5. 22:35-38 - adequate resources

6. 22:39-46 - prayer in Gethsemane

B. Jesus’ arrest and trial (22:47-23:25)

1. 22:47-53 - Jesus’ arrest

2. 22:54-62 - Jesus in Caiaphas’ house: Peter’s denial

3. 22:63-65 - Jesus mocked and tortured

4. 22:66-71 - the Sanhedrin interrogates Jesus

5. 23:1-5 - accusations before Pilate

6. 23:6-12 - Jesus before Herod

7. 23:13-16 [17] - Pilate finds Jesus innocent

8. 23:18-25 - Pilate surrenders to the pressure of the crowd and condemns Jesus

C. The crucifixion of Jesus (23:26-56)

1. 23:26 - Simon of Cyrene bears the cross

2. 23:27-31 - Jesus’ words to the daughters of Jerusalem

3. 23:32-38 - the crucifixion

4. 23:39-43 - Jesus and the two criminals

5. 23:44-49 - the death of Jesus

6. 23:50-56 - Joseph of Arimathea buries Jesus

D. The resurrection and response (24:1-53)

1. 24:1-12 - the women and Peter at the empty tomb

2. 24:13-35 - the two men on the road to Emmaus

3. 24:36-43 - Jesus appears to the disciples

4. 24:44-49 - instructions and commissioning of the disciples

5. 24:50-51 - the ascension of Jesus

6. 24:52-53 - the response of joy and worship

-Dennis Bratcher, Copyright © 2018, Dennis Bratcher - All Rights Reserved
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