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Gospel of John

Roger Hahn

Edited by Dennis Bratcher

I. The Prologue (1:1-18)

A. The Word Introduced (1:1-5)

B. The Word's Witness (1:6-13)

C. The Word in Flesh (1:14-18)

II. The Book of Signs: Jesus Reveals the Father (1:19-12:50)

A. The Witness of John (1:19-34)

1. The Negative Witness (1:19-28)

2. The Positive Witness (1:29-34)

B. The First Disciples (1:35-51)

1. Jesus Discipling (1:35-42)

2. Phillip and Nathanael (1:43-51)

C. The Wedding at Cana (2:1-12)

D. Cleansing the Temple (2:13-22)

E. John's Summary (2:23-25)

F. The New Birth (3:1-10)

G. A Monologue on Believing (3:11-21)

H. John the Baptist's Final Witness (3:22-36)

1. The Friend of the Bridegroom (3:22-30)

2. The Witness of Jesus (3:31-36)

3. Summary and Transition (4:1-3)

I. Dialog With The Samaritan Woman (4:4-26)

1. The Living Water (4:7-15)

2. Worship in Spirit and Truth (4:16-26)

J. Dialog With The Disciples (4:27-42)

K. The Life-Giving Word (4:43-5:47)

1. A Transitional Paragraph (4:43-45)

2. Healing the Official's Son (4:46-54)

3. The Healing At the Pool (5:1-9)

4. A Sabbath Controversy (5:10-18)

5. Jesus and The Father (5:19-47)

6. Jesus: Delegate of the Father (5:19-30)

7. Witnesses to Jesus (5:31-40)

8. The Unbelief of the Jews (5:41-47)

L. Jesus - The Bread of Life (6:1-71)

1. Feeding the Five Thousand (6:1-15)

2. Walking on the Water (6:16-21)

3. Transition to the Discourse (6:22-25)

4. The Sign of the Manna(6:26-34)

5. The Bread of Life (6:35-50)

6. Eating and Drinking Jesus (6:50-59)

7. The Response (6:60-71)

M. Dialogs on Jesus’ True Identity (7:1-8:59)

1. Introduction: Jesus Returns to Jerusalem (7: 1-13)

2. First Dialog: Jesus and the Law of Moses (7:14-24)

3. Second Dialog: Jesus' Messianic Origins (7:25-36)

4 Third Dialog: Jesus’ Identity (7:37-44)

a. Jesus, the Living Water (7:37-39)

b. Jesus' identity as Messiah (7:40-44)

5. Fourth Dialog: Jesus' Identity (7:45-52)

6. [Jesus and The Woman Taken in Adultery (7:53-8:11)]

7. Fifth Dialog on Jesus As Light (8:12-20)

8. Sixth Dialog: Jesus' Challenge to Jewish Leaders (8:21-30)

9. Seventh Dialog: Jesus and Abraham (8:31-59)

N. Signs and Teachings (9:1-11:44)

1. The true light (9:1-41)

a. healing the blind man (9:1-7)

b. questioning by the neighbors (9:8-12)

c. first interrogation by the Pharisees (9:13-17)

d. interrogation of the man's parents (9:18-23)

e. second interrogation by the Pharisees (9:24-34)

f. spiritual sight (9:35-38)

g. spiritual blindness (9:39-41)

2. The Good Shepherd (10:1-21)

a. the sheep, the Shepherd, and sheep robbers (10:1-6)

b. Jesus' application of the parable(s) (10:7-18)

c. the reaction of the Jews (10:19-21)

3. The Identity of Jesus (10:22-42)

a. Jesus as the Messiah (10:22-30)

b. Jesus as Son of God (10:31-39)

c. summary and transition (10:40-42)

4. Lazarus, Resurrection, and Life (11:1-44)

a. setting and background (11:1-16)

b. dialogs with Martha and Mary (11:17-33)

c. raising of Lazarus (11:33-44)

O. Jesus' Last Days (11:45-12:50)

1. The Plot to Kill Jesus (11:45-54)

2. Anticipating the Passover (11:55-12:11)

3. The Triumphal Entry (12:12-19)

4. The Greeks and the Coming of the Hour (12:20-36)

5. Jesus' Final Public Appeal (12:37-50)

III. The Book of Glory: Jesus Returns to the Father (13:1-20:31)

A. Introduction: Discipleship (13:1-30)

1. Jesus Washing the Disciples' Feet (13:1-20)

2. Judas' Betrayal Is Revealed (13:21-30)

B. Last Discourses of Jesus: First Part (13:31-14:31)

1. Introduction to Part 1 of the Last Discourse (13:31-38)

2. Jesus Is the Way to the Father (14:1-14)

3. The Gift of the Paraclete (14:15-24)

4. Conclusion to Part 1 of the Last Discourse (14:25-31)

C. Last Discourses of Jesus: Second Part (15:1-16:33)

1. The Vine and the Branches (15:1-17)

a. the illustration of the vine (15:1-6)

b. results of abiding in Christ (15:7-17)

2. The World's Hatred (15:18-16:4a)

3. Jesus' Departure and the Paraclete (16:4b-15)

4. Joy and Understanding about Jesus' Return (16:16-33)

D. Jesus' High Priestly Prayer (17:1-26)

1. The Prayer for Glory (17:1-8)

2. The Prayer for the Disciples (17:9-19)

3. The Prayer for Future Believers (17:20-26)

E. Passion Narrative (18:1-19:42)

1. The Betrayal and Arrest of Jesus (18:1-12)

2. The Jewish Trial and Peter's Denial (18:13-27)

3. The Trial Before Pilate (18:28-40)

4. The Sentencing of Jesus (19:1-16)

5. The Crucifixion and Burial Of Jesus (19:16b-42)

F. Resurrection Narrative (20:1-21:25)

1. First Evidence of Jesus' Resurrection (20:1-10)

2. Jesus' Appearance to Mary Magdalene (20:11-18)

3. Jesus' Appearance to Thomas (20:19-29)

4. First ending: The Purpose of the Gospel (20:30-31)

5. Jesus' Appearance to Seven Disciples Who Were Fishing (21:1-14)

6. Jesus' Final Words to Peter (21:15-23)

7. Second ending to the gospel (21:24-25)

-Roger Hahn, Copyright © 2018, Roger Hahn and the Christian Resource Institute
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