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Exodus Talks:
Pastoral Devotionals from Exodus
Steve Rodeheaver
Editing and Additions by Dennis Bratcher
Exodus talks!!! The Old Testament book of Exodus has something
to say to us. It is a living word. God can be heard speaking
to us in Exodus. I was convinced of this when I started working in
Exodus. I am even more convinced now that I have been listening to
Exodus for a while. Here is what I have heard: a collection of
forty-seven reflections and meditations from the Book of Exodus.
To make the most of these devotional readings I need to tell you a
little more about what they are and how they might be of use. No
doubt you noticed from the title that these are "pastoral letters from
Exodus." They were originally written to be just that, reflections
on the book of Exodus written as letters from a pastor to his
congregation as we journeyed together through this book. We spent
a little over a year in the book of Exodus, taking breaks only at
Advent, Easter, and a short vacation. These reflections began as
sermons. By the time they made it into written form they were also the
product of interactive Bible studies with friends and members of the
congregation. Each reflection is in a letter format that begins with the
exposition of the text. The tone is kept conversational.
This is not a typical commentary on Exodus. Neither is this a book
of generic sermons and illustrations. The reflections really are
pastoral letters, designed to engage both readers and the writer with
the biblical text, together, in the hope of together hearing the living,
transforming word of God speaking anew in the text.
I envision several ways of reading and using Exodus Talks.
I suppose these could be read like any other devotional readings, that
is, a single individual reading straight through with little discussion
with anyone else. I trust that that would be beneficial. But there
are other, perhaps more fruitful possibilities. For instance, this
series could be used as a tool for a small group Bible study on Exodus
in which the focus is the text and the reflections become become a
partner in the group’s dialog/study. Or, it could be a series of
weekly devotionals in which one would read through Exodus passage by
passage, using the reflections as a thought provoking guide. And
perhaps, while Exodus Talks is not a typical collection of
sermons, it might be of some help to fellow preachers who are working
with Exodus and/or looking for something to preach. Finally, it
could serve as one model for how teachers, preachers, and Christians in
general, can approach the Old Testament and hear its living message for
May God bless you as you turn your ear towards Exodus. And may
the Lord use Exodus Talks to help you hear the Exodus message.
Most of all, may the Lord tabernacle among us.
A final word, that I can’t really emphasize enough. Read
Exodus! Don’t just read Exodus Talks by itself. Read
Exodus. If it comes down to a choice between the two, it’s a
no-brainer. Read Exodus. -Steve Rodeheaver
Steve Rodeheaver and his wife Vonda have been
pastoring Southeast Church of the Nazarene in San Diego, CA since
1987. They have three children. Steve also serves as an
adjunct Bible professor at Point Loma Nazarene University.
These resources are offered as a ministry of the Christian
Resource Institute with no access charge or subscription fees. (See
Copyright and User Information Notice). If you find these
resources useful in your personal Faith journey or ministry, we only
ask that as you use the material you assist us by a contribution or monthly
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The Devotionals
1. Ex. 1:
Stories of Faithfulness |
25. Ex.
18:1-12: Testify |
2. Ex.
2:1-10: Delivering the Deliverer |
26. Ex.
18:13-27: A New Structure for Guidance |
3. Ex.
2:11-25: Running and Crying |
27. Ex.
19: To Myself |
4. Ex.
3:1-12: Fire that Calls |
28. Ex.
19:16-20:21: Greatest and Saddest |
5. Ex.
3:13-22: And Who Are You? |
29. Ex.
20:1-17: The Ten Words - Vertical |
6. Ex.
4:1-17: No Excuses Accepted |
30. Ex.
20:1-17: The Ten Words - Horizontal |
7. Ex.
4:18-31: God Seeks Moses' Life |
31. Ex.
20:18-26: At a Distance |
8. Ex.
5:1-6:1: Who Says? |
32. Ex.
21:1-22:15: Slaves, Donkeys, and Holes |
9. Ex.
5:22-6:8: Yahweh Names His Purpose |
33. Ex.
22:16-23:13: An Alien Way to Live |
10. Ex.
6:9-7:13: No More Faltering Lips |
34. Ex.
23:14-33: Calendaring Yahweh |
11. Ex.
7:14-24: A Bloody Nile |
35. Ex.
24: Committing Covenant (Risking Death) |
12. Ex.
7:25-8:15: The Froggy Reach of Yahweh |
36. Ex.
24-25: There Goes the Neighborhood |
13. Ex.
8:16-32: Gnats, Flies, and Distinction |
37. Ex.
28-29: Priestly Life |
14. Ex. 9:
Adding Up Plague, Boils, and Hail Stones |
38. Ex.
30: Incense, a Half Shekel, and Some Oil |
15. Ex.
10: Locusts, Darkness, and Strings |
39. Ex.
31: Who’s Going to Build It? |
16. Ex.
11-12: Exiting Egypt in Reverse |
40. Ex.
32:1-14: Horror and Heat at Sinai |
17. Ex.
12: The Meal that Teaches Salvation |
41. Ex.
32:15-35: Moses Gets Hot |
18. Ex
13:1-16: The Cost of Belonging to Yahweh |
42. Ex. 33:1-17: Arguing Forgiveness |
19. Ex.
13:17-14:31: Hallowed Be Your Name |
43. Ex. 33:18-34:9: Say That Name Again |
20. Ex.
15:1-24: Singing Yahweh’s Victory |
44. Ex.
34:29-35: Resurrecting Moses |
21. Ex.
15:22-27: Bitter Water and Sweet Wood |
45. Ex.
35-39: Beyond Forgiveness |
22. Ex.
16: The Manna Tests |
46. Ex.
40: Move-In Day |
23. Ex.
17:1-7: Rocky Water |
47. Ex.
1-40: A Five-P Book |
24. Ex.
17:8-16: A Banner Day |
There are articles available on this web site as background and
additional reading for the Devotionals:
The Date of the Exodus
Introduction to a Christian Seder
Passover Haggadah (for a Christian Seder)
-Steve Rodeheaver, Copyright ©
2016, Steve
Rhodeheaver and CRI/Voice, Institute
All Rights Reserved
See Copyright and User Information Notice |
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