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The Writings (Ketubim)

Articles dealing with interpretative issues and commentary in various formats on the Biblical material known as the Writings, including the Psalms, Job, Proverbs, the Megilloth or the Festival Scrolls (Song, Esther, Ruth, Ecclesiastes, Lamentations), Daniel, Ezra, Nehemiah, and 1 and 2 Chronicles.  This menu does not include Lectionary Commentary articles.  See the Biblical Text Index for commentary and other articles on specific passages.

The Psalms

Introducing the Psalms

Basic overview of the collection of Psalms in the Psalter, with links to more detailed information on the types of Psalms and their theology.

Patterns for Life: Structure, Genre, and Theology in Psalms [Available in .pdf Adobe Acrobat logo]

Survey of the various literary forms (genre) and structure in the book of Psalms, with a summary of the theological function of the forms.

Biblical Realism as Faith: The Wisdom and Psalms Traditions

An essay on the role and function of the Wisdom and Psalm traditions, which provide a basis for dealing with the realities of life from a basis of Faith.

Types of Psalms (Chart) [Available in Portuguese]

A chart grouping the 150 Psalms of the Psalter into the major genres or types of psalms, including links to more detailed information.

Psalm 51 and the Language of Transformation

An analysis of Psalm 51, noting how the psalm moves from using language of forgiveness to language of transformation.

The Wisdom Traditions (Proverbs, Job)

The Character of Wisdom:  An Introduction to Old Testament Wisdom Literature

A brief outline of the basic characteristics of Old Testament Wisdom literature and its value for the Church today.

Biblical Realism as Faith: The Wisdom and Psalms Traditions

An essay on the role and function of the Wisdom and Psalm traditions, which provide a basis for dealing with the realities of life from a basis of Faith.

The Book of Job

A brief summary of the features of the Book of Job in outline, along with more detailed introduction to the book,  including an outline of the literary structure and a brief overview of the contents of the book and interpretative issues.

Voice Bible Study: The Book of Job

A series of Bible studies on the Book of Job geared to small group study.

Voice Bible Study: Proverbs

A series of ten Bible studies on the Book of Proverbs geared to small group study.

The Megilloth (Song, Ruth, Lamentations, Ecclesiastes, Esther)

None available at this time.

Other Writings (Daniel, Ezra, Nehemiah, 1 and 2 Chronicles)

The Third Generation: Nehemiah and the Question of Identity

A reflective article addressing the tendency of religious traditions to drift from their original purpose and vision as they move further away from their origins; based on Nehemiah 13, in which the crisis of identity and survival facing the post exilic community became the stimulus for some rather strong action by Nehemiah.

-Dennis Bratcher, Copyright © 2018, Dennis Bratcher, All Rights Reserved
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