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Diane K. Reynolds
The Mystery of Peace
What is it about that word? Better yet, what is it about that condition that attracts all people from all walks of life? It seems we all want it, many of us believe "it is not attainable," others believe it will only happen in the "here after" and a whole bunch of us say "surely this little baby, whose birth we celebrate once a year, cannot possibly bring it." This, then, would be my story of "Peace," my way of saying I "know" you can have it, right now, tomorrow, forever. It is not influenced by where in the world you are; there are no conditions in which you cannot have it. The season or the weather do not make it close or far-off. It is yours (mine) at all times, all ways. "Stormwalker" Matthew 14:22-33 I am a Stormwalker! Life has been for me an opportunity to test the waters, to step outside the boat and with nothing more than my faith in the "Truest Stormwalker" of all, to walk on the water, or sometimes through the water. Let me tell you that walk has been at times through raging winds, often thunder and lightning and rain that would cascade down so hard I would truly think, "I am going to drown." That is not to mention the waves and the water below me, which could also at times be raging, threatening, and consuming. In all cases that faith in the "True Stormwalker" has brought me through safely to a calm, peaceful sea. The Stormwalker can and will do that for all who can risk taking His hand and stepping into the sea of life with Him. My life has been marked by violence. A violent childhood, which led to a violent marriage, which ended in violence. I walked through those years with a true sense of "Peace in the storm," while in the middle of the storm I was often "rescued." But that rescue did not for the most part remove me from the storm--it only brought "Peace" in the storm. So, let's get back to the Baby whose birthday we celebrate each year in December. As a way to compare and search: What is this condition of Peace for which we long? What is more peaceful than a sleeping infant? Not much. Given the resilience of an infant, most of them can survive a lot of stuff. Things like noise, temperature changes, location changes, hunger (thanks to the invention of pacifiers) to name a few. That baby boy born in a barn, wrapped in rags, lying in hay. Stable animals surrounding Him. He knows all about the things, the stuff of this life that can attempt to rob us of our "Peace." He is willing to share that with each of us, this ability to have Peace at all times, at all places, in all circumstances. He longs for us to experience it as much as we long to have it. He is our Peace. We cannot have Peace in any other way! It is a Peace that will never be taken from us no matter what the stuff of this world can hurl at us. Take this Peace into your situation. You will not be disappointed, if you are looking for true Peace. ~ Diane K. Reynolds
Today's Scripture Readings* Lord In the press and the rush of life, the symbol of the Christmas rush is almost comical. And yet, it so truly depicts how little in control we really are of the things of our lives. We seek more, better, improved, enhanced and throw ourselves away seeking something we cannot achieve on our own. Peace. What a beautiful thought. Help me to surrender to the Peace which You have already provided and long for me to accept. Amen.
*These readings are adapted from the Daily Office of the Book of Common Prayer, Year 2. For Year 1 readings, see Daily Readings, Advent 1. |
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