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Women in Ministry
and the Church of the Nazarene
Brad Mercer
From its very beginning the Church of the Nazarene has recognized
from both Scripture and history that God calls women to preach, to
pastor, and to other positions of leadership. Many Christians today
contend that the Bible teaches the opposite, that women are forbidden by
Scripture to preach, or to pastor, or be in any positions of authority
over men in the Church. They believe that in the home and in the church
men are supposed to be the leaders and women are supposed to be the
followers. Men are supposed to exercise authority and women are supposed
to be subject to them. They believe that several passages of scripture
support this view.
One of these passages is 1 Corinthians 11, which deals with long
1 Cor 11:3 But I want you to understand that Christ is
the head of every man, and the husband is the head of his wife, and God
is the head of Christ. 11:4 Any man who prays or prophesies with
something on his head disgraces his head, 11:5 but any woman who prays
or prophesies with her head unveiled disgraces her head--it is one and
the same thing as having her head shaved. 11:6 For if a woman will not
veil herself, then she should cut off her hair; but if it is disgraceful
for a woman to have her hair cut off or to be shaved, she should wear a
veil. 11:7 For a man ought not to have his head veiled, since he is the
image and reflection of God; but woman is the reflection of man. 11:8
Indeed, man was not made from woman, but woman from man. 11:9 Neither
was man created for the sake of woman, but woman for the sake of man.
11:10 For this reason a woman ought to have a symbol of authority on her
head, because of the angels. 11:11 Nevertheless, in the Lord woman is
not independent of man or man independent of woman. 11:12 For just as
woman came from man, so man comes through woman; but all things come
from God. 11:13 Judge for yourselves: is it proper for a woman to pray
to God with her head unveiled? 11:14 Does not nature itself teach you
that if a man wears long hair, it is degrading to him, 11:15 but if a
woman has long hair, it is her glory? For her hair is given to her for a
covering. 11:16 But if anyone is disposed to be contentious--we have no
such custom, nor do the churches of God.
Verse 3 says in part that "the head of the woman is man, and the head
of Christ is God." Verse 5 says that "every woman who prays or
prophesies with no covering of hair on her head -- she is just like one
of the 'shorn women'" (or prostitutes). Verse 14 says "if a man has long
hair, it is a disgrace to him." Yet we know that Paul himself at one
point in his ministry took the vows of a Nazarite, which involved
letting his hair grow long. And while he says God is the head of Christ,
in another place he says they are equal.
So what is this passage really about? The answer is found in verse
16, which says: "If anyone wants to be contentious about this, we have
no other practice." The Corinthian church was a dysfunctional, feuding,
contentious church. They argued about food offered to idols, the Lord's
Supper, speaking in tongues, and the role of women. Prostitutes in
Corinth kept their hair cut, and acted with more freedom than
respectable women in their pagan society. Paul was merely saying that if
church women were doing the same, this was going to cause the church to
earn a bad reputation in the community or create division in the church.
With that result in view, Paul instructed them not to do it, not for the
sake of restricting women, but for the sake of the community.
In his statement on the headship of men he is merely telling women
that they can submit to men for the sake of harmony in the church and
respectability in their community without returning to the bondage of
the law, just as Jesus made the Father his head and later ascended into
heaven to assume again the full rights and powers of His Godhood. Just
as Jesus, even while making himself temporarily the inferior of God,
still retained many of the proofs and privileges of his divinity, so the
women of the Corinthian church, even while submitting to pagan
respectability, still retained the right to pray and prophesy in public
as long as they left their hair uncut to avoid the connection with
Another passage used to assert male dominance is Ephesians 5:21-23.
Eph 5:22 Wives, be subject to your husbands as you are
to the Lord. 5:23 For the husband is the head of the wife just as Christ
is the head of the church, the body of which he is the Savior. 5:24 Just
as the church is subject to Christ, so also wives ought to be, in
everything, to their husbands.
Paul says that Christians should submit to one another, and then
starts using marriage as an metaphor of Christ and the Church. He is not
so much saying that this is how marriage should be as he is saying that
he wants to use marriage as it is to help them get a picture of Christ
and the Church. He goes on in the next chapter to talk about slaves and
masters in the same way. He demands male dominance and female
inferiority only to the extent that he approves of slavery. Paul even
used called himself a "slave of Christ" (for example Rom 1:1). This does
not approve slavery. It only uses a means of communication with which
people would be familiar. In Ephesians 5, he is telling husbands, wives,
slaves and masters how to be Christlike in the society and circumstances
in which they find themselves.
Titus 2:3 Likewise, tell the older women to be
reverent in behavior, not to be slanderers or slaves to drink; they are
to teach what is good, 2:4 so that they may encourage the young women to
love their husbands, to love their children, 2:5 to be self-controlled,
chaste, good managers of the household, kind, being submissive to their
husbands, so that the word of God may not be discredited. . . . 2:9 Tell
slaves to be submissive to their masters and to give satisfaction in
every respect; they are not to talk back, 2:10 not to pilfer, but to
show complete and perfect fidelity, so that in everything they may be an
ornament to the doctrine of God our Savior.
Again the writer of Titus (2:3-5, 9-10) says that young women keeping
busy at home and being subject to their husbands is good compared to
gossip, sloth and alcoholism. That was not a replacement for praying,
prophesying, teaching, and doing the work of a deacon no more than he is
demanding that slavery be perpetuated when he says that slaves should be
taught to be subject to their masters.
Paul explains in Titus 2:10 that his purpose in saying these things
is not to justify the social arrangements, but to "make the teaching
about God our Savior attractive" to unbelievers by being happy, quiet
and trustworthy in whatever circumstances we are in. It is Christlike to
be submissive rather than to let social controversy overshadow the
message of redemption from sin and shame. We don't want to demand even
legitimate rights if to do so would drive people away from Christ. It is
therefore society that oppresses women, not Christ, the Bible, or the
Nazarenes and the Holiness movement of which it is a part have
always recognized the spiritual equality of women, and any movement to
the contrary is, according to former General Superintendent William Greathouse, "from non-Wesleyan, non-Holiness outside influences." Paul
says in Galatians that in Christ there is neither male nor female, but
all are one. Paul says to women as well as men in Galatians 4:7: "So you
are no longer a slave, but a son; and since you are a son, God has also
made you an heir," with, as verse 5 says, "the full rights of sons."
This does not suggest that women must become men in order to have
relationship with God; the word "son" here is a generic cultural term
for "progeny" or "child" (note the NRSV: "So you are
no longer a slave but a child, and if a child then also an heir, through
God;" see
This view of the proper role of women in the kingdom of God is
confirmed by a look at the role of women in the Bible (see various
articles at Women and Theology). While
many women in scripture were primarily wives and mothers like Sarah, who
called Abraham lord (which in Hebrew can also mean "husband"), others were influential in the broader community
and held positions of leadership in the church. In the Old Testament,
Deborah ruled the nation of Israel, judging men and women, and leading
the men of Israel into battle. She was, as all the Judges were, a
prophet (see Deborah).
In the New Testament, the first person to see the resurrected Christ
was a woman -- Mary Magdalene (see Apostle to
the Apostles). Christ spoke to her of spiritual things and commanded
her to preach the gospel to men -- to tell the disciples of his
resurrection. He revealed the future to her, telling her of his
ascension, and ordered her to tell the disciples of it; making her, in
effect, a prophet as well as a preacher.
When Jesus stayed at the home of Martha and Mary, Mary sat in the
living room with the men and listened to Jesus (see
Mary and Martha: Sisters Who Served).
Martha wanted Jesus to remind Mary that a woman's place is in the
kitchen, but the Lord rebuked her and told her that Mary had chosen the
better way.
At Pentecost, men and women together prayed in the upper room, and
were jointly referred to as "Brothers" by Peter in Acts 1:16. In Acts
2:4 they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and Peter called it the
fulfillment of the prophecy of Joel that men and women alike would
receive the Holy Spirit and would prophesy.
After Pentecost, women were accorded full responsibility, along with
men, in the church. Sapphira was treated as an equal partner in the
crime of Annanias, and was held responsible as such by God, Peter, and
the church. Peter said to her: "How could you agree?" She was struck
dead for agreeing with, and submitting to, the leadership of her husband
when he was morally wrong.
Priscilla is mentioned before her husband Aquila every time they are
mentioned in the New Testament after their initial introduction. This
was contrary to custom and indicates that she was the more prominent of
the two in the church. At the very least they were completely equal. The
Bible mentions her first in saying that they were tentmakers.
Paul says he worked with them. They accompanied him on a
missionary journey. They took Apollos into their home, and
they taught him the way of God more perfectly.
Other prominent women in the early church are mentioned more briefly.
Phillip had four unmarried daughters who prophesied. In Romans 16,
Phoebe is called a servant, a word elsewhere translated deacon -- a
position of prominence and leadership in the church. Finally, in Acts
16, Lydia was apparently the head of her household, as well as a
successful businessperson, and a prominent member of the church.
First Timothy 3 gives the qualities of a deacon -- obviously a
position of leadership. After talking in verses 8-10 about deacons using
a masculine form, there are instructions given in verse 11 to "the
women." While the old KJV translated this as "their wives," the Greek
text simply says "the women." This implies that the reference is to female
deacons, not necessarily to the wives of the male deacons. So, we may
understand the word translated "the women" in verse 11 to mean "female
deacons." The whole passage may then be understood to mean: "Most church
leaders happen to be men, so I'm making that assumption in describing
their qualities, but of course, the general idea also applies to women
in the same position."
We see, then, that women in the early church were white-collar
professionals like Lydia, worked at blue-collar trades like tentmaker
(Priscilla), were equal partners with their husbands, like Sapphira and
Priscilla, and were preachers, prophets, teachers and deacons.
This tradition of full participation by church women has been
continued by the Church of the Nazarene and its forerunners. Among
Quakers, women preached from the beginning. In the absence of her
husband, Susannah Wesley often preached to congregations numbering in
the hundreds.
Phoebe Palmer was one of the best known evangelists of the nineteenth
century in the United States, Canada and Great Britain, and was probably
the single most influential holiness leader of the century. She started
out with a Tuesday meeting in her home for other ladies, for prayer,
testimony and devotions focusing on the doctrine and experience of
entire sanctification. By the end of her life she had written books,
edited and published a holiness magazine, led several Methodist Bishops
into the experience of entire sanctification, preached holiness to
thousands in revivals and camp meetings, and established Tuesday
Meetings for the Promotion of Holiness in cities throughout North
America and Great Britain. She also established the Five Points Mission
in New York City, which provided education, religious instruction, day
care services, employment assistance and cheap or free room and board to
the poor of the city. (Many will remember the Five Points Mission for
its role in the movie The Gangs of New York.)
In the late nineteenth century, Amanda Smith preached holiness to
whites and blacks in the United States, England, Africa, and India. She
also wrote an autobiography, established an orphanage and urged greater
equality for blacks and women. Her accomplishments were great for
anyone, but the fact that she was a black woman and a former slave made
them all the more remarkable. Finally, in the early twentieth century, a
woman, Catherine Booth, was the world leader of the Salvation Army,
which is a holiness church (see Female Ministry
by Catherine Booth).
The Church of the Nazarene was formed in 1908 by a merger of the
Pentecostal Church of the Nazarene with the New Testament Church of
Christ. A co-founder of the New Testament Church of Christ was Rev. Mary
Lee Cagle. She preached, ordained other preachers, including many women,
and established churches throughout Tennessee, Arkansas and into Texas.
In the 1930's and 1940's, perhaps the best-known preacher in the
state of Arkansas was Rev. Agnes Diffee, popularly known as "Mother
Diffee". She led Little Rock First Church of the Nazarene to become one
of the largest Nazarene churches in the denomination under her
pastorate. While pastor there, she also established a radio station in
the basement of the church which broadcast her messages throughout
central Arkansas.
Nazarene women also established the Nazarene Missions International
and Nazarene Youth International. Nazarene women were ordained by
denominational founder Phineas F. Bresee and established mission
churches in California to reach Native Americans, Mexicans, and Asians. Pasadena
College, now Point Loma Nazarene University, was founded at the urging
of women. One of the leading theologians in the holiness movement in the
late 20th century was Dr. Mildred Bangs-Wynkoop. In 2005 Nina Gunter was
elected to the office of General Superintendent, the highest office in
the Church of the Nazarene.
In light of the opposition to women in ministry from some branches of
evangelical Christianity, the General Assembly of the Church of the
Nazarene adopted an official statement in 1993. This simply put into
writing as official policy what had been practiced in the Church from
its inception.
904.6. Women in Ministry
We support the right of women to use their God-given spiritual
gifts within the church. We affirm the historic right of women to be
elected and appointed to places of leadership within the Church of
the Nazarene. (1993) [From the
Manual, the official statements of doctrine and polity of
the Church of the Nazarene.]
Young women today should be open to the leading of the Holy Spirit.
He may be calling them to be godly wives, mothers and teachers of
children. But he may also be calling them to be pastors, evangelists,
missionaries, professors, college presidents and general church leaders
in the Church of the Nazarene (see Women and the Call of God).
-Brad Mercer, Copyright ©
2018, Karen Mercer -
All Rights Reserved
This article is the property of Karen Mercer and is used here by
permission See Copyright and User Information
Women and Theology
in Ministry
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