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BNC Muzquiz Mission Trips
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Several people in the photos are unidentified or I could not remember names. If you know some of those who are not named, please let me know.

Operation Helping Hand, Muzquiz Building Trip, April 1966

This trip was made in April of 1966 over Easter break to erect a sanctuary for the Musquiz Church of the Nazarene. About twenty-five people participated in the project, including faculty sponsors David and Esther Uerkvitz and their daughter Rebecca, Kenneth Luther, and pastors George Lake and Harold Mannon.  Students:  Bob Adams, John Beadles, Joe Bowers, Dennis Bratcher, Billy Childs, Amelia Coose Thompson, Ronnie Stanley Collier, Robert Gerald Cooper, Howard Culbertson, Cleve Curry, Stephen Heap, William Johnson, Helen McElfresh, Ron McElfresh, Mike Penn, Tom Pound, Wesley Smith, Dick Spear, Larry Wright, and Clyde Wynn  [Some are unconfirmed.]

Muzquiz 1966 Gallery 1: The trip and arrival in Muzquiz
Muzquiz 1966 Gallery 2: Beginning construction: Days 1 and 2
Muzquiz 1966 Gallery 3: Lifting the Beams; Construction Days 3 thru 5
Muzquiz 1966 Gallery 4: Dedication and Misc Photos

Muzquiz Evangelistic Trip, January, 1967

This trip was a return trip to Muzquiz in January, 1967,  the year following construction of the church. The team consisted of some members of the original team along with some new volunteers. The goal was to hold a revival at the Muzquiz church. The trip was conceived by Dennis Bratcher and his roommate Larry Cox. Dennis Bratcher made the initial preparations. Howard Culbertson later joined in helping work out details of the trip.  Thirteen people made the trip: Harrell Lucky, faculty sponsor; Harold Mannon, pastor; students: Dennis Bratcher, Larry Cox, Howard Culbertson, Clarence Davis, Leon Hendrix, Bob McCrosky, Brad Moore, Claude Wells, Billy Childs, Larry Wright, and Gary Sivewright.

Muzquiz 1967 Gallery 1: General photos; evening services in Muzquiz
Muzquiz 1967 Gallery 2: Visit to Palau; trip into the desert to visit outlying villages

Notice:   Please do not link directly ("hot link") to any photos on this site.  Except for those marked "team photos," all photos in this section are the property of Dennis Bratcher. They may be downloaded for personal use, but may not be published in any form, including but not limited to placement on web sites, digital archives, social networking sites, or copied to any digital format for any purpose beyond personal use.

-Dennis Bratcher, Copyright © 2015, Dennis Bratcher - All Rights Reserved
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